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AdobeStock_242820270 Unfinished project, under construction draft, concept interior design sketch, hand drawing real kitchen sketch with blueprint background, architect and designer ideaVon ArchiVIZ
AdobeStock_438762315 Black and white kitchen Von Allison
AdobeStock_436290841 Construction man working with cement floor finishing – fresh concrete work with construction hand tool concept Von pairhandmade
AdobeStock_305185325 Construction worker and architect discussing work to be done at site Von Kzenon / Pixabay lizenfrei
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- AdobeStock_303250291 Future building construction engineering project concept with double exposure graphic design. Building engineer, architect people or construction worker working with modern civil equipment technology. Von Blue Planet Studio
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- AdobeStock_125388541 house model Von Maxim_Kazmin
- AdobeStock_167806257 two construction engineers working together in side building planning for the renovation construction site engineer, effect Vintage sun flare. Von mansong
- AdobeStock_299117541 Hand engineers are writing home construction designs to bring them to prospective customers. Von weerachai
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- AdobeStock_357341762 The tiler works in the bathroom of a modern house. Von karepa
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- AdobeStock_268328877 yellow and white hard safety wear helmet hat in the project at construction site building on concrete floor on city with sunlight. helmet for workman as engineer or worker. concept safety first. Von methaphum
- AdobeStock_233382559 design kitchen interior. Von Victor zastol’skiy
- AdobeStock_232815904 Modern kitchen in Contemporary style. Von ostap25
- AdobeStock_162049788 Modern white kitchen with wooden and white details, minimalistic interior design Von ArchiVIZ
- AdobeStock_290637696 Home improvement kitchen view installed in a new kitchen cabinet Von ungvar
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- AdobeStock_337972021 beautiful terrace, grey floor tile outdoor, Von kitthanes
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AdobeStock_141945829 Brandenburg Gate at night in Berlin city, Germany Vonorpheus26
AdobeStock_262617504 Beautiful Munich architectural aerial view. Germany, Bavaria. Marienplatz town hall. Voningusk
AdobeStock_124054170 Aerial panoramic cityscape view on the old town of Zurich city in Switzerland Von rh2010
AdobeStock_327579163 Multicolored Safety Construction Worker Hats. Teamwork of the construction team must have quality. Von Rapeepat
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